Privacy and Terms


This Personal Data Processing Policy (hereinafter, the «Policy») has been developed and approved by the foreign company Uzum Technologies LLC (hereinafter, «Uzum Tech») in order to ensure the security and safeguarding of personal data collected from Users of the website, as well as for other purposes described in more detail in the «Purposes of Processing» section below.

By accepting the Policy, the User provides their unequivocal consent to the processing of all information identified below as Personal Data as well as information considered Personal Data pursuant to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Personal Data No. ZRU-547 of July 2, 2019.


Uzum Group: companies within Uzum’s digital IT ecosystem, including but not limited to UZUM MARKET LLC, AKB Kapitalbank, UZUM BANK JSC, SOLUTIONS LAB JSC, UZUM LLC, the foreign company Uzum Tezkor LLC and their affiliates.

Personal Database: an information system containing personal data.

Personal Data Anonymization: actions taken to make it impossible to match personal information to a particular User without additional information.

Personal Data Processing: the act of collecting, organizing, storing, modifying, amending, supplementing, using, providing, distributing, transferring, anonymizing or destroying personal data.

Personal Data Operator / the Operator: the foreign company Uzum Technologies LLC, which processes personal data and is the owner of the Personal Database.

Personal Data: any information recorded on electronic, paper or other physical media that relates to a certain individual or makes it possible to identify said individual.

User: a legally competent individual who is at least 18 years of age and is applying for positions with the Operator.

Provision of Personal Data: actions aimed at disclosing personal data to a particular person or group.

Dissemination of Personal Data: actions aimed at disclosing Personal Data to an indefinite number of persons, including by posting it online or providing access to said Personal Data by any other means.

Cross-border Transfer of Personal Data: the transfer of Personal Data outside the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Destruction of Personal Data: actions that result in the irreversible destruction of personal data, making it impossible to recover the content of the personal data in the personal data information system and/or that result in the destruction of the physical storage media on which the personal data was stored.

Automated Processing of Personal Data: the processing of personal data using computerized tools.

Scope of the Policy

This Policy applies to Personal Data collected by Uzum Technologies and/or its affiliates, including Uzum Group companies, from Users responding to the Operator’s job vacancies posted on

Personal Data Processor

Personal data received by the Operator in respect of each User is collected, processed, stored and used by the foreign company Uzum Technologies Limited Liability Company, a legal entity established under the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan and registered at 30 Fidokor Street, Tashkent, 10015, or by its affiliates.

Personal Data Processed by Uzum Tech

Uzum Tech collects and processes the following Personal Data:

  • Identification data (surname, first name, patronymic);
  • Biometric data (a photograph of the User);
  • Contact information (phone number, email address);
  • Date and place of birth;
  • Current address;
  • Education, professional training and advanced training;
  • Work experience;
  • Foreign language proficiency;
  • Passport details (series and number, registered address);
  • Additional information included in the User’s CV and considered Personal Data by the applicable laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The above-mentioned provisions of the Policy also include the Cross-border Transfer of Personal Data. Personal Data may be transferred to foreign countries that ensure adequate data protection.

Uzum Tech also performs anonymized Personal Data Processing.

Uzum Tech assumes that all Personal Data provided by Users is accurate but does not verify it.

Uzum Tech is committed to protecting Personal Data during the processing thereof. Uzum Tech recommends that Users visit this website regularly, as this Policy may be updated in accordance with amendments to applicable laws or changes in internal processes.

Personal Data Security is understood to mean the provision of a secure environment that protects Personal Data from unlawful and/or unauthorized access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, provision or dissemination as well as other unlawful actions.

The User provides their Personal Data of their own free will. At the same time, the failure to provide any Personal Data or the withdrawal of consent to the processing thereof may prevent the User from being able to apply for job openings with the Operator.

Purposes of Processing

Personal Data Processing is necessary in order to consider the User’s candidacy for enrollment in one of the Uzum IT Academy’s courses on a paid or free-of-charge basis.

This Policy applies to Personal Data received both before and after the enactment of this Policy.

Procedure for the Collection, Storage, Transfer and Other Types of Personal Data Processing

The Operator protects the Personal Data it processes by taking the legal, organizational and technical measures necessary to fully comply with the requirements of the applicable laws on personal data protection.

Uzum Tech ensures the safeguarding of Personal Data and takes all possible measures to prevent unauthorized access to Personal Data. Employees of the Operator use Personal Data as necessary for the purposes specified in Section 6 of this Policy.

Uzum Tech may also transfer Personal Data to its affiliates, including Uzum Group companies, only for the purposes specified in Section 6 of this Policy.

A User’s Personal Data will never under any circumstances be disclosed to third parties except in cases relating to the execution of applicable laws and/or for the purposes of processing Personal Data in the interests of Uzum Tech.

The period during which the Operator will store Personal Data is determined by the date on which the purpose for which it was collected and processed is achieved or for compliance with the requirements of the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The Personal Database is stored in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Personal Data Processing is carried out both with the use of automated tools (Automated Personal Data Processing) and without the use of automated tools.

Cross-border Transfer of Personal Data

The Operator has the right to carry out the cross-border transfer of personal data in accordance with the terms of this Policy and in compliance with the requirements of the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Users have the right to:

  • amend or update their Personal Data;
  • request the deletion of their Personal Data (the deletion of Personal Data may prevent Users from being considered for job openings with the Operator);
  • receive, upon request, information from the Operator regarding the processing of their Personal Data;
  • find out whether the Operator is in possession of the User’s Personal Data as well as the content of said Personal Data;
  • receive information on the conditions for the granting of access to their Personal Data;
  • give consent to the processing of their Personal Data and withdraw such consent except in cases provided for by the applicable laws;
  • request that the Operator temporarily suspend the processing of their Personal Data if said Personal Data is incomplete, outdated, inaccurate or if it was unlawfully obtained or unnecessary for the purposes of processing;
  • give consent to the Operator, as well as to third parties, to disseminate their Personal Data in open sources;
  • receive information about the completed or anticipated cross-border transfer of their Personal Data;
  • оseek the assistance of a government agency or a court to protect their rights and legitimate interests in relation to their Personal Data.

Final Provisions

This Policy governs the relationship between the User and the Operator arising in connection with the application of this Policy. Issues not governed by this Policy shall be governed by the applicable laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The User may contact the Operator by email for explanations regarding the processing of their Confidential Information.

If it is discovered that a User’s Personal Data is being used illegally, the User whose data is being used illegally must send the Operator a written request for the deletion of said Personal Data. The request must specify the details of the User’s identification document, the content of the illegally used Personal Data, and a description of where and under what circumstances it is being used illegally.

The Operator has the right to make changes to this Policy without Users’ consent. In the event of changes to the purpose of personal data processing, such changes shall apply to the User from the moment their consent to the processing of their data is obtained in accordance with the new purpose.

This document shall reflect any changes to the Policy made by the Operator. The Policy shall remain valid until replaced by a new version.

The current version of the Policy is freely available online at